International Combat Aikijujutsu Federation


Ichi – ee-chee one 1

Ni – nee two 2

San – sahn three 3

Shi – she four 4

Yon – yhon four/fourth 4 or 4th

Go – goh five 5

Roku – roh-koo six 6

Shichi – shih-chee seven 7

Nana – nah-nah seven/seventh 7 or 7th

Hachi – ha-chee eight 8

Ku – kooh nine 9

Ju – jew ten 10

Basic Commands

Shomen ni rei – sho-men nee ray Bow to the “high” or shrine side of the Dojo

Sensei ni rei – sen-say nee ray Bow to the Teacher

Shihan ni rei – she-hon nee ray Bow to the Master

Yudansha ni rei – you-dahn-shah nee ray Bow to the Black Belts

Sempai ni rei – sem-pie nee ray Bow to the Senior Student

Hajime – hah-jih-may Begin/Start

Yame – yah-may Stop/Hault

Mate – mah-tay Wait/Pause

Black Belt Ranks

Shodan – sho-dohn 1st Degree Black Belt

Nidan – nee-dohn 2nd Degree Black Belt

Sandan – sahn-dohn 3rd Degree Black Belt

Yondan – yhon-dohn 4th Degree Black Belt

Godan – goh-dohn 5th Degree Black belt

Rokudan – roh-koo-dohn 6th Degree Black Belt

Shichidan – she-chee-dohn 7th Degree Black Belt

Hachidan – hah-chee-dohn 8th Degree Black Belt

Kudan – kooh-dohn 9th Degree Black Belt

Judan – jew-dohn 10th Degree Black Belt

Martial Arts Titles

Sempai – sem-pie senior student

Shidoshi – sheh-doh-she an instructor or guide

Sensei – sen-say a teacher

Fuku-Shihan – foo-koo sheh-hon assistant instructor (assistant to the chief instructor)

Renshi – rhen-she a polished instructor

Shihan – she-hon chief instructor; model teacher

Kyoshi – kee-oh-she senior instructor/professor

Kaiso – khiee-sooh the founder of a martial system or organization

Kaicho – khiee-choh the president of a martial arts organization

Fuku-Kaicho – foo-koo khiee-choh the vice president of a martial arts organization

Dojo Cho – doh-joh choh the director of a local dojo or training hall

Hanshi – hon-she The “han” is the same, meaning an example, model or pattern. The “shi” in shihan means teacher or master. The “shi” that’s used in hanshi means (gentle)man, samurai or warrior, or scholar.

Soke – soh-kay an inheritor of a system of martial arts

Soke Dai – soh-kay-diee an inheritor of a system of martial arts ranking 8th Dan or higher

Sho Dai Soke – sho-diee-soh-kay the first generation inheritor of a system of martial arts

Ni Dai Soke – nee-diee-soh-kay the second-generation inheritor of a system of martial arts (usually the first heir to Sho Dai Soke)

Basic Terminology

Atemi – ah-tem-mee Striking to vital points

Tsuki – zooh-kee Punching

Geri – gerh-ee Kicking

Nage – nah-geh Throwing

Barai – bar-iee Sweeping

Uke – ooh-kay Blocking; also the person who initiates the attack and receives the technique

Tori – toe-ree the person who receives the attack and initiates the technique

Jujutsu – jew-jhut-soo a compound word consisting of two elements “Ju” meaning gentle or yielding and “Jutsu” meaning art; an unarmed form of Martial Art utilizing blocking, kicking, punching, striking, throwing, grappling, joint-locking and strangulation/constriction techniques. Literally meaning “Gentle Art” or “Soft Art”; a form of Martial Arts founded in Japan by Samurai Warriors for the purpose of unarmed combat approximately 3000 years ago

Aiki – iee-kee the philosophy, art and application of ones internal energy or life essence; Literally meaning “Harmony of Spirit” also harmony of energy and nature, a blending of energy

Nihon – nee-han Japan/Japanese

Ryu – ree-ooh a method, philosophy or school of thought and/or application

Taigawa-ryu Jujitsu – ty-ga-wa ree-ooh jew-jhutsu Great river school of the gentle art

Nihon-ryu Goshin-jutsu – nee-han ree-ooh goh-shin jhut-soo Japanese methods of Self-Defense

Sentou – sen-toh combat, battle

Sentou-ryu Aikijujutsu – sen-toh ree-ooh iee-kee jew-jhut-soo Combat school/method of blending/harmonizing energy gentle/soft art

Karate – kah-rah-tay a compound word consisting of two elements “Kara” meaning empty or open and “Te” meaning hand; a form of Martial Arts founded in Japan approximately 300 – 400 years ago consisting of kicking, punching, blocking and kata (forms)

Kiai – kee-iee spirit yell, also spirit wind; the shout expelled when delivering a strike or technique

Kata – kah-tah prearranged sequence of movement; a form; a sequence of movements emulating combatant techniques

Dan – dohn a Black Belt grade rank ranging from 1st – 10th degree

Yudansha – yoo-dohn-shah members holding Black Belt ranks (collectively)

Mudansha – moo-dohn-shah members holding Kyu grade/Color Belt ranks (collectively)

Kyu – keew a student grade rank ranging from 10th – 1st level

Menkyo – mhen-kee-oh a certificate of teaching authority ranging from Shoden (basic), Chuden (intermediate), Okuden (advanced) level transmission as well as “Menkyo Kaiden,” which is a teaching certificate of full proficiency in the art

Dojo – doh-joh a hall used for training; Literally, “the place of the way”

Migi – mih-ghee to the right or right side

Hidari – hih-dar-ee to the left or left side

Ushiro – oo-shih-roh back-side or backward

Jodan – joh-dohn high or upper level

Chudan – chew-dohn middle or mid range level

Gedan – ghee-dohn low or low range level

Kai – khiee an association or organization

Goshin – goh-shin self-defense and/or personal protection

Waza – wah-zah technique or application of technique

Kansetsu – khan-set-soo joint locking

Othoshi – oh-toe-she a form of throwing or dropping

Nage – nah-geh a form of throwing; throwing techniques (i.e. Nage Waza)

Gari – ghar-rhee a form of sweeping

Taisabaki – tie sah bah-kee body rotation, pivoting and movement

Shime – shih-meh strangulation and constriction

Gatame – gah-tah-meh grappling

Kyusho – kee-oo-shoh pressure points

Ukemi – ooh-kem-ee safety procedures; the art of falling correctly, so as to not obtain severe injury

Tobi – toh-bee jumping (i.e. Mae Tobi Geri – jumping front kick)

Empi – ehm-pee elbow (i.e. Empi Uchi – elbow strike)

Hiza – hih-zah knee (i.e. Hiza Geri – knee kick)

Te – tay hand

Hazushi – hah-zoo-shih to release (i.e. Hazushi-Te – to release hand)

Niguru – nih-ghu-rooh yielding (i.e. Kakato Niguru – single hand grab yielding method)